Teaching with Keynote: #1 Annotate & Animate

What is it?

Students can use Keynote to animate their hand-written notes on top of an image and then add audio to explain their understanding. As we know from cognitive science, a combination of visual and verbal information allows students to retain information more effectively. Here’s a screen-shot example from a Science class.


Why is it effective?

This simple technique allows us to see if students understand how things work. By labelling and annotating real-life things, we can see how students visualise information they have learnt. Adding audio is a bonus - a clear articulation of their understanding allows teachers to hear if students are on track.

How can I do it with my class? 

Watch my step-by-step tutorial on the ‘Annotate & Animate’ strategy below.

I don’t know anything about Keynote, can you help?

Yes – take a look at my tutorial video below on ‘The Basics’ of using Keynote in class.


Teaching with Keynote: #2 Document a Process


Digital Creativity with iPad #CorpusCreates