Free Posters

High-quality PDFs of my one-page posters are available to download for free. These resources were created by Jamie Clark and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License. All Rights Reserved 2024.

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Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI)

A poster summarising Explicit Direct Instruction (EDI), based on Hollingsworth & Ybarra’s great book on the power of the well-crafted, well-taught lesson. The one-pager features ideas on: Student Engagement Norms, ’TAPPLE’ for CFU and Essential EDI Lesson Elements.


A one-pager summarising feedback to help move learners forward. If you’re finding these summaries helpful, you might want to check out my upcoming book ‘Teaching One-Pagers’. The book simplifies complex research into digestible, actionable insights, perfect for busy teachers! Out soon!

An Ethic of Excellence

‘An Ethic of Excellence’ by Ron Berger champions a culture of craftsmanship and pride in student work. This one-page poster distils Berger’s transformative ideas, summarising practical insights for inspiring excellence in the classroom.

Principles of Instruction

Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction edu-poster. A summary of the 10 research-based strategies that all teachers should know. A big thanks to Oliver Caviglioli for the excellent learning and memory diagram featured.

Cognitive Load Theory (update)

Dylan Wiliam said that Cognitive Load Theory is ‘the single most important thing for teachers to know’. This poster summarises some key ideas from CLT and offers 6 strategies to optimise instruction and maximise learning.

Cold Calling

Created a quick black-and-white A4 summary on cold calling to support some upcoming coaching conversations. Thanks to @Doug_Lemov and @teacherhead for their work on this powerful strategy.

High Leverage Mentoring Strategies

By Haili Hughes

This one-pager written by Haili Hughes focuses on five powerful mentoring strategies. Haili says: “Mentoring has many different facets but one of these is to facilitate improvements in teaching.” You can download her summary below.

Checking for Understanding

The latest addition to the one-pager collection. Checking for understanding based on Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction.

Retrieval Practice Using your memory shapes your memory.

This one-pager summarises RETRIEVAL PRACTICE as a powerful learning strategy. Thanks to @KateJones_teach & @teacherhead for their influential insights on how it can be applied in the classroom.

Formative Assessment Moving Learners Forward

This one-pager summarises Dylan Wiliam and Siobhán Leahy’s five formative assessment strategies that teachers can use to support learning.

Explicit Instruction

A one pager capturing some of the main ideas from the excellent book ‘Explicit Instruction: Effective & Efficient Teaching’ by Anita L. Archer & Charles A. Hughes. Highly recommend you pick up a copy!

Read more:

Making Every Lesson Count

Making Every Lesson Count by Andy Tharby and Shaun Allison still remains one of my top edu-books of all time. It’s a practical & accessible book based on 6 principles of great teaching. Check out one-page overview!

Cognitive Load Theory Explained

☝️ Dylan Wiliam said Cognitive Load Theory is ‘the single most important thing for teachers to know’. Here is a one-page summary of some key points & practical strategies to consider.

👊 Feel free to grab a HQ copy here!

Why Don’t Students Like School?

‘Why Don’t Students Like School?’ by Daniel Willingham is one of the most influential books for teachers on cognitive science. It explores how students’ minds work & how to use this knowledge to be a better teacher.

Edu-Research Compilation

I have compiled a list of my top research articles, videos and resources that have helped shape my teaching.

Instructional Coaching: Steplab

🙌 Thanks to Steplab, our school’s peer coaching PL program is off to a flying start. Here are some one-pagers I designed to summarise our approach & the IC observation & feedback processes.

Teaching Some vs Teaching All

This one-pager is based on Tom Sherrington’s blog: ‘Teaching Some vs Teaching All’. Checking that everyone is thinking is fundamental for learning. Here are six things to think about when trying to reach ALL students.

Questioning for Retrieval: 5 Mistakes to Avoid

This one-pager is based on Harry Fletcher-Wood’s recent blog and summarises the five most prevalent ways not to ask questions for retrieval - and what to do instead. Read Harry’s original blog post here.

Behaviour Management: Bill Rogers'

This one-pager summarises Dr. Bill Rogers’ classic behaviour management strategies. The man himself offered some feedback for this revised version (yes, really!)

Meaningful Learning

A one-pager I created for Sarah Cottingham summarising the implications of David Ausubel’s work on meaningful learning.

Sarah’s book, Meaningful Learning In Action comes out summer 2023!

Powerful Questioning

In Michael Chiles’ latest book Powerful Questioning, he examines the reasons behind the questions we ask and reveals the power of asking the right questions, in the right way, at the right time.

This one-pager summarises some of his most influential ideas.

Follow Michael on Twitter @m_chiles

Pre-order the book here.

Defining Excellence

Whole class feedback is a game changer for minimising workload whilst improving student outcomes. The method developed by @__codexterous is particularly effective. Andy’s blog about WCF can be found here.

Think, Pair, Share

Poster summarising the Think, Pair, Share technique based on the work of Jamie Clark and blog posts by Tom Sherrington and InnerDrive.

Making Every Lesson Count (Cartoon Version)

Making Every Lesson Count by Andy Tharby and Shaun Allison still remains one of my top edu-books of all time. It’s a practical & accessible book based on 6 principles of great teaching. Check out one-page overview!